Huawei Wins UK Government's Vote to Launch 5G Network

  • February 3, 2023
  • admin
  • 2 min read

Huawei is among the leaders of the 5G race, and many oppositions fear that Huawei will attain a position to spy or disrupt communications, given that it is allowed to become the heart of 5G Networks.

Furthermore, the opposition countries are saying that this unanimity of control over 5G networks by Huawei might also pose severe threats to everything that connects with the internet, including the IoT and self-driving vehicles.

The bigger concern for the opposition countries is that the state-backed hackers might exploit the 5G networks to hack the devices and lead to security breaches in vital databases and networks. On a much broader scale, you can envision these 5G attacks to allow hackers to shut down opposition’s power stations in a jiffy.

However, the UK has Decided to Welcome Huawei’s 5G Network

The government has won against the first rebellion form its MPs over plans to allow Huawei to become UK’s 5G mobile network provider. Thirty-eight conservative rebels backed an amendment to eliminate the Chinese firm’s entry into the project by 2023.

However, the government promised to address their concerns in the new bill, but the conservatives pushed the matter and wanted a vote.

The result of the voting came out. The government defeated the conservative MPs by a margin of 24 votes.

Culture Minister Matt Warman said the government had heard the points “loud and clear.

He added that the government leaders will now engage intensively with partners over the House to make their case at every possible level. He reemphasized on government’s focus on putting national security above everything else.

In Other News:

Other countries like the United States of America and Australia have banned Huwaei from their networks and criticized the UK government for its decision.

After the Commons vote, Huawei’s Vice President Victor Zhang that the baseless allegations were hurtful for the company and that they would require an evidence-based strategy to back off from their grounds.

In Short

Despite all the contradictions, the UK industry’s experts have agreed that the ban on Huawei products means a less secure, less productive, and less innovative Britain for all.